Tackle Your Student Loan Debt for Good!

We'll spend 14 days together, identifying, understanding and sorting your student loans so we can create a plan of action to Fire them for GOOD!

We'll Dive Into:

  • Student Loan Forgiveness Programs (the real ones, not the fake ones advertised by some of the student loan companies out there);
  • Get the real deal on Public Service and Teacher Loan forgiveness programs,
  • Cut through the misconceptions about Income Contingency Repayment Plans
  • Learn How You Can Cancel Your Student Loans
  • How to see if Consolidating Your Loans is right for you;


Course curriculum

  • 01
    14-Day Challenge
    Show Content
    • Day 1: Knowledge is Power
    • Day 2: Accessing NSLDS
    • Days 3 & 4: My Loan Types
    • Days 5 & 6: Compare & Contrast
    • Days 7 & 8: Know Your Repayment Options
    • Day 9: Is Consolidation Right for Me?
    • Day 10: Defaulted Student Loans
    • Day 11: Private Student Loans
    • Day 12: Private Student Loan Interest Rate Terms
    • Day 13: Repayment Options
    • Day 14: Q & A Session w/Stephanie Nelson-Scott
    • Day 15: Q & A Session with Angela Howze
  • 02
    Expert Live Lessons - Student Loan Q&A Replays
    Show Content
    • Student Loan Q&A - Attorney Stanley Tate
    • Let's Talk Student Loans w/ Stephanie Nelson Scott
    • Student Loan Q&A!!! Natalie Jean-Baptiste

What's included?

  • 1 Video

  • 11 Texts

  • About the instructor

    Netiva, The Frugal CrediTnista, is a financial educator, specializing in helping others realize the power of leveraging their personal credit to build wealth.For over 10 years, her firm, MNH FInancial Services, LLC, teaches people across the country, how to Master their Money, Destroy their Debts, & Soar their Credit Scores.Having overcome half a million dollars in debt herself, she recognizes the importance of providing her students and clients with factual informaiton that they can begin implementing immediately to transform their lives.Her mission is to help 10,000 people this year to save more money, increase their net worth, and transfer the faces of ownership in communities across the country starting with learning, building and leveraging her student's credit scores, by practicing healthy financial habits.She is living proof that a temporary financial situation, does not determine our financial destination.

    Netiva "The Frugal CrediTnista"

    Financial Educator, Realtor, Certified Credit Counselor
