How to Remove Medical Collections from Your Credit Reports; from A - Z!

Course curriculum

  • 01
    Fire Your Medical Collections!
    Show Content
    • The #1 Negative Item On Credit Reports
  • 02
    What to do Before You Dispute
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    • Assignment 1: What to do Before You Dispute
    • Assignment 2A: FICO Scoring & Your Medical Collections
    • Assignment 2B: Credit Reporting Changes & Your Medical Collections
    • Assignment 3: Dispelling the HIPAA Myth
    • Assignment 4: Questions to Ask Yourself
  • 03
    Get Your Dispute On!
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    • Fire Your Medical Collections - Action Guide
    • Assignment 5: HIPAA Dispute Letter Method - First Letter
    • Assignment 6: Research
    • Assignment 7: HIPAA Dispute Letter Method - 2nd Letter
    • Assignment 8: HIPAA Dispute Letter Method - 3rd Letter
  • 04
    Advanced Dispute Process
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    • HIPAA Dispute Letter Method - Letter to Send If You Decide to Pay/Settle - Health Care Provider
    • HIPAA Dispute Letter Method - Acct Was Paid by You or Insurance Provider - To Health Care Provider
    • HIPAA Dispute Letter Method - Paid - Collection Agency Wont Delete - To HIPAA Compliance Office
    • HIPAA Dispute Letter Method - Error Still Reporting; Inconsistent Info - Medical Provider
    • HIPAA Dispute Letter Method - Acct Was Not Properly Verified by Collection Agency
    • HIPAA Dispute Letter Method - Response to "Verified" - Credit Bureaus
    • HIPAA Dispute Letter Method - Intent to File Complaint - Collection Agency
    • HIPAA Dispute Letter Method - Intent Letter - Credit Bureau
    • FIle HIPAA Complaint
  • 05
    Fired Up Yet?
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    • Conclusion

What's included?

  • 20 Texts

  • 1 Download

  • About the instructor

    Netiva, The Frugal CrediTnista, is a financial educator, specializing in helping others realize the power of leveraging their personal credit to build wealth.For over 10 years, her firm, MNH FInancial Services, LLC, teaches people across the country, how to Master their Money, Destroy their Debts, & Soar their Credit Scores.Having overcome half a million dollars in debt herself, she recognizes the importance of providing her students and clients with factual informaiton that they can begin implementing immediately to transform their lives.Her mission is to help 10,000 people this year to save more money, increase their net worth, and transfer the faces of ownership in communities across the country starting with learning, building and leveraging her student's credit scores, by practicing healthy financial habits.She is living proof that a temporary financial situation, does not determine our financial destination.

    Netiva "The Frugal CrediTnista"

    Financial Educator, Realtor, Certified Credit Counselor


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